Let’s reclaim the true values and constitutional principles of our democracy

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“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. These timeless words were penned by Lord Acton in 1887. He was not however the first nor will he be the last to recognise the perils inherent to undiluted political power.

The Concerned Federalist Movement recognises the dangers intrinsic to monopolised political power. It aims to develop a model for political governance in South Africa, that will see greater power of governance afforded to the provinces, enabling more effective control over resources, and providing for greater accountability and possibly even direct representation.

The South African Constitution is supreme subjecting both government and citizens to the rule of law. The Constitution provides that political power be divided between the three branches of government namely the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive. Measures are set in place to ensure that these powers remain separated and to prevent undue interference amongst the branches of government. This is an attempt to give effect to the values set out in the preamble of the Constitution specifically the aim of establishing a “democratic and open society in which the government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law”.

Section 40 of the Constitution provides that “In the republic, government is constituted as national, provincial and local spheres of government which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated”.

Whilst section 40 provides for the powers of government to be distributed between the national, provincial, and local governments South Africa adheres to a system of strong central government, with provincial and local governments only having limited powers.

The last decade has seen a move towards an increase in government power on a national level as well as a willingness to amend the Constitution to facilitate this move which in in turn has led to a gradual erosion of the rule of law. This is demonstrated in the amendment proposed by the government which would make provision for expropriation without compensation. Furthermore, appointments in top positions have been reeked with nepotism which has led to the demise of parastatals such as Eskom and SAA. The Zondo Commission in the BOSASSA hearing has also exposed the extent of corruption in government departments.

The federalists are intent on restoring the rule of law, preservation of our constitutional principles and creating structures where public officials are held accountable for their actions. To enable this to be done we believe inter alia in stronger regional powers. This will enhance a more direct form of government where individuals will more easily be held accountable for their actions. We also believe that in a country like ours with it is cultural and ethnic diversity that stronger regional powers will give these cultural and ethnic groups more direct say in the day to day running of their specific areas.

In conclusion the federalists believe to promote greater autonomy in the regions and provinces like countries such as Switzerland, India, and Canada where it has been successfully applied.

Movement Driven by the Following Crises...



Unemployment Rate


Lost to corruption

the people

Annual Population Growth.

the economy

Negative Economic Growth of 7% projected for 2020.

the sa political system

Dysfunctional & Corrupt Public Service.
Lost to Corruption

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