We have rights, Let’s take Them back

We as federalists promote greater autonomy for the regions & provinces in South Africa. A federal government is one in which a constitution divides governmental powers between a central and regional governments, giving to each substantial and exclusive powers. Examples of such governments are to be found in Switzerland, India, Germany, Belgium & Canada.

Reclaim your Rights!

We need to make South Africa work.

Founding Principles

  • We are a non-political and non-racist movement.
  • We are concerned that South Africa is currently on the road to ruin.
  • We wish to make our country a success story and to become a functional state again.
  • A practical and workable solution is a constitutional model based on federalist principles.
  • Such a model implies that more powers will be devolved to the provinces and municipalities.
  • This all will be done within the National Constitution.
  • We are aware that most people feel disempowered and having no rights.
  • We therefor wish to change that situation and empower you with knowledge in order to change the future for the better of all our citizens.
  • We will also oppose injustices through various campaigns in order to regain our rights.
  • We also support other worthwhile submissions and petitions being promoted by other similar minded organisations.
  • We will use the mainstream, the social media as well as other means to drive our goals.
  • We will thereby gather support both locally and internationally for these goals.
  • We will make South Africa a functional and successful country again!

Please have your say and join the movement.

You Have Rights!

Chapter 2 of RSA Constitution


Our Constitution



Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

We have rights
Let’s take THEM back

  • We promote greater powers of governance to be granted to provinces and regions in South Africa;
  • We will in a constitutional manner promote the devolution of greater executive powers within a federalist political system, as is to be found in the USA, Switzerland, India and Germany, to the various provinces of South Africa;
  • We will focus initially on the promotion of executive, legislative and administrative powers for implementation in the Western Cape Province but will also be promoting similar rights to be granted to the other eight provinces;
  • We will also be promoting such rights and a complimentary political system or constitutional model via the mainstream as well as social media, via political campaigns both international and national and via strategic alliances with other similar minded organisations in South Africa and abroad;
  • We wish to empower you with knowledge about our constitutional rights, with knowledge about a constitutional system that would suit our South African conditions better and to install hope for a better future in South Africa;
  • We will endeavour to change things for the better and secure a long term future in South Africa for us, our children and future generations;
  • Get involved and support the movement.

Our Approach

  • To replace the lack of adequate and proper management skills, capacity and delivery by the National Government and to ensure an amended but functional state.
  • To replace the gross incompetence by state departments and the lack of service delivery at various levels of government due to incorrect policies implemented by the national government.
  • To bring government closer to the people and to eradicate poor service delivery due to the huge physical distance between Provincial Capitals & Pretoria, which hampers proper and effective communications and management for the effective delivery of services by the national departments.
  • To promote the advancement of regional and provincial governance based on the sharing of a common language, cultural and economic values and other provincially based interests by the residents of the various Provinces.

Sign a Petition

Your support counts and could potentially lead to satisfactory constitutional outcomes in terms of our Core Values.

Make a Contribution

All contributions will take us a step closer
to achieve our goals and help us
build a better future for all.

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